Gwangju car factory plan signed

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Gwangju car factory plan signed


President Moon Jae-in, second from right, poses for a photo Thursday at Gwangju City Hall, where Gwangju Metropolitan City and Hyundai Motor agreed to establish a joint venture factory. From left, Yoon Jong-hae, head of the Federation of Korean Trade Union’s Gwangju Office; Lee Yong-seop, mayor of Gwangju; Moon; and Lee Won-hee, president of Hyundai Motor. [YONHAP]

문재인 대통령(오른쪽에서 두번째)이 목요일 광주광역시청에서 열린 ‘광주형 일자리’ 투자 협약식에 참석해 윤용해 한국노총 광주지역본부의장(왼쪽), 이용섭 광주광역시장(왼쪽에서 두번째), 이원희 현대자동차 대표이사(오른쪽)와 기념촬영을 하고 있다. [연합]
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