TS Entertainment faces complaint

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TS Entertainment faces complaint

TS Entertainment is under fire again, this time for allegedly not paying its employees.

On Thursday, news outlet Sports Seoul reported that a former employee had filed a complaint against TS Entertainment with the Seoul Regional Employment and Labor Office for delayed payments. The report said that the case had since been forwarded to prosecutors.

According to the former employee, TS Entertainment didn’t give them full severance pay and habitually delayed payment of monthly wages. They told Sports Seoul that many of their former co-workers faced similar treatment.

The entertainment agency, home to K-pop groups including Sonamoo, has frequently been in the news in recent weeks, mainly for legal fights over contracts with artists.

Girl group Sonamoo members Nahyun and Sumin are currently demanding that their contracts with TS Entertainment be nullified, while rapper Sleepy sued the agency in April for not compensating him properly.

By Kim Eun-jin
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