Renewed and recovered

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Renewed and recovered

Major apartment complexes that are set for reconstruction work showed signs of price recovery over the long weekend holiday, which runs between April 30 and May 3. Prices for the Jamsil Jugong 5 Danji apartment complex in southern Seoul, pictured above, which fell to as low as 1.82 billion won last month due to heavy tax regulations, rose to 1.9 billion won this month. [YONHAP]

Major apartment complexes that are set for reconstruction work showed signs of price recovery over the long weekend holiday, which runs between April 30 and May 3. Prices for the Jamsil Jugong 5 Danji apartment complex in southern Seoul, pictured above, which fell to as low as 1.82 billion won last month due to heavy tax regulations, rose to 1.9 billion won this month. [YONHAP]

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