[THINK ENGLISH] 이명박 전 대통령 재수감
Published: 10 Nov. 2020, 09:55
Updated: 08 Dec. 2020, 09:44
![Former President Lee Myung-bak departs from his residence in Nonhyeon-dong in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, Monday afternoon, to be transferred to the Seoul Dongbu Detention Center in eastern Seoul after the Supreme Court last Thursday upheld a 17-year prison sentence convicting him in a corruption case. [KIM SANG-SEON]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2020/12/08/1f40db77-b97e-475b-b084-49c94f2238d9.jpg)
Former President Lee Myung-bak departs from his residence in Nonhyeon-dong in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, Monday afternoon, to be transferred to the Seoul Dongbu Detention Center in eastern Seoul after the Supreme Court last Thursday upheld a 17-year prison sentence convicting him in a corruption case. [KIM SANG-SEON]
Former President Lee Myung-bak goes back to prison
이명박 전 대통령 재수감
Korea JoongAng Daily 2면 기사
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Former President Lee Myung-bak was put behind bars Monday once again after the Supreme Court last week upheld a 17-year prison sentence convicting him of embezzlement and taking bribes.
put behind bars: 감방에 가두다
convict: 유죄판결을 내리다
embezzlement: 횡령
횡령과 수뢰 혐의로 징역 17년형을 확정 받은 이명박 전 대통령이 월요일 재수감됐다.
Lee, 78, was transferred to the Seoul Dongbu Detention Center in Songpa District, eastern Seoul, at around 2:40 p.m. He was jailed 251 days after his release on bail in February. Lee had remained under house arrest since Feb. 25, and during the Supreme Court trial.
transfer: 이송하다
release on bail: 보석 석방
house arrest: 가택연금
이 전 대통령(78)은 오후 2시40분쯤 서울 송파구 서울동부구치소로 이송됐다. 2월에 보석으로 풀려난 지 251일만에 재수감됐다. 2월 25일부터 대법원 심리 중에는 가택연금 상태로 지내왔다.
Lee earlier departed from his residence in Nonhyeon-dong in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, at around 1:47 p.m., and was fl anked by aides. His residence was surrounded by crowds of reporters and civilian supporters and protesters, along with dozens of police officers assigned to keep order.
flank: ~이 옆에 있다
keep order: 질서를 유지하다
이 전 대통령은 측근들의 배웅을 받으며 오후 1시47분 쯤 서울 강남구 논현동 자택에서 떠났다. 이 전 대통령의 자택은 취재진, 지지자들, 시위자들과 질서유지를 위해 배치된 경찰들로 둘러 쌓였다.
He was escorted by security officials and firstchecked in at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office around 2 p.m. before entering the detention center.
escort: 호송하다
check in: (탑승, 숙박) 수속을 밟다
이 전 대통령은 검찰 호송 차량을 타고 오후 2시쯤 서울중앙지검에 먼저 도착해 구치소 수감 절차를 거쳤다.
“They may imprison me, but the truth cannot be locked away,” he said in statement conveyed by his lawyer.
imprison: 감금하다, 투옥하다
convey: 전달하다
이 전 대통령은 변호사를 통해 “나를 감옥에 가둘 수 있을지는 모르겠지만, 진실을 가둘 수는 없다”는 메시지를 전했다.
번역: 이무영 뉴스룸 국장 [[email protected]]
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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