Peace discussions

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Peace discussions

Korea’s Defense Minister Suh Wook, left, talks with Gen. Claudio Graziano, right, chairman of the European Union Military Committee, in the Defense Ministry in Yongsan District, central Seoul, Wednesday. During the meeting with Suh, Graziano voiced support for Seoul's peace efforts with North Korea and agreed to share the EU's Indo-Pacific strategies as soon as they are drawn up and discuss specific ways to cooperate, according to the ministry. [NEWS1]

Korea’s Defense Minister Suh Wook, left, talks with Gen. Claudio Graziano, right, chairman of the European Union Military Committee, in the Defense Ministry in Yongsan District, central Seoul, Wednesday. During the meeting with Suh, Graziano voiced support for Seoul's peace efforts with North Korea and agreed to share the EU's Indo-Pacific strategies as soon as they are drawn up and discuss specific ways to cooperate, according to the ministry. [NEWS1]

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