Shim Eun-ha comeback denied by the actor

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Shim Eun-ha comeback denied by the actor

Actor Sim Eun-ha during a scene in the film "Christmas in August" (1998) [ILGAN SPORTS]

Actor Sim Eun-ha during a scene in the film "Christmas in August" (1998) [ILGAN SPORTS]

Reports of Shim Eun-ha returning to the small screen after a 21-year hiatus have been denied by the actor. 
Sports Chosun reported Tuesday morning that Shim was getting ready to star in a new drama series produced by a company called BY4M Studio, adding that she was set to lead detailed discussisons with the producers about the series in mid-April.  
But a few hours later, Shim strongly denied the report.  
"The reports about me returing as an actor are false," Shim said in a statement. "I have never even heard of the company called BY4M Studio. I will review legal actions against such false reporting." 
Shim's last work as an actor was in the film "Interview" which premiered in 2000. One year later she announced her retirement and married Ji Sang-wook in 2005. Ji is currently the head of Yeouido Institute and a former member of the National Assembly. The couple has two daughters. 
Shim is a 51-year-old who debuted in 1993 through MBC drama series "Under the Same Roof" (1986-94). She is most-known for acting as the female lead in MBC drama "The Last Match" (1994). 

Some of Shim's other works include drama series "Trap of Youth" (1999), and films “Christmas in August” (1998) and "The Art Museum by the Zoo” (1998). 


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