Hyundai Glovis to open distribution center at Incheon International Airport to expand air freight business

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Hyundai Glovis to open distribution center at Incheon International Airport to expand air freight business

Hyundai Glovis CEO Kim Jung-hoon, right, poses for a photo with Incheon International Airport Corporation CEO Kim Kyung-wook after signing a memorandum of understanding Thursday. [HYUNDAI GLOVIS]

Hyundai Glovis CEO Kim Jung-hoon, right, poses for a photo with Incheon International Airport Corporation CEO Kim Kyung-wook after signing a memorandum of understanding Thursday. [HYUNDAI GLOVIS]

Hyundai Glovis is aiming to open a distribution center at Incheon International Airport in 2025, aiming to expand the scope of its air freight business.
The company signed a memorandum of understanding with Incheon International Airport Corporation on Thursday to build a distribution center at the airport by the end of 2025.
The distribution center will be five stories tall, built on a 46,111-square-meter (496,330-square-foot) plot of land.
Hyundai Glovis will sign deals with individual corporate customers, storing and clearing their products to be exported at the distribution center and forwarding it abroad by air freight.
After the distribution center is built in 2025, Hyundai Glovis said it aims to annually transport an additional 25,000 tons of cargo at the center during the next five years.
The center will have cold and frozen storage warehouses for food or other products that need refrigeration. Robots made by Boston Dynamics, a Massachusetts-based company 10 percent owned by Hyundai Glovis, will be used at the distribution center to make the overall process more efficient.

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