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Nothing concrete yet

Cement trucks are parked at a ready-mixed concrete factory in Anyang, Gyeonggi, on Thursday, the eighth day of the strike by the Cargo Truckers Solidarity and the truckers' refusal to transport materials including concrete. The government issued an executive order on Nov. 28 for cement truckers to resume work, but union members have not heeded the order and the supply of concrete is becoming difficult. [NEWS1]

Cement trucks are parked at a ready-mixed concrete factory in Anyang, Gyeonggi, on Thursday, the eighth day of the strike by the Cargo Truckers Solidarity and the truckers' refusal to transport materials including concrete. The government issued an executive order on Nov. 28 for cement truckers to resume work, but union members have not heeded the order and the supply of concrete is becoming difficult. [NEWS1]

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