Girl group Kara to appear on Japan's 'Music Station' broadcast this month

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Girl group Kara to appear on Japan's 'Music Station' broadcast this month

Girl group Kara [DSP MEDIA]

Girl group Kara [DSP MEDIA]

Girl group Kara will appear on Japan’s biggest music program “Music Station” for the first time in 10 years on Dec. 23.
Kara will appear on the show, airing on Asahi TV, as the only Korean group to be listed on the primary lineup for the show.
This will be Kara’s ninth appearance on “Music Station.” The show has been on air for 36 years and is one of the biggest music programs in Japan. The broadcast for which Kara has been booked will be a live broadcast with a scheduled duration of six hours.
Kara will sing the title song “When I Move” from their recent album “Move Again,” and one of their top hits of all time, “Mr.,” during the performance.
The group, which debuted in 2007, is best known for hits “Pretty Girl” (2008), “Honey” (2008), “Mr.” (2009), “Step” (2011) and “Pandora” (2012). Its megahit “Mr.” was a major contributor to the rise of K-pop and Hallyu, or the Korean wave, in Japan, leading Kara to become the first Korean girl group to host a solo concert at the Tokyo Dome.

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