Mobile art for Busan

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Mobile art for Busan

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Hyundai Motor's "Art cars" with printings symbolize the city of Busan and a sign saying "Busan is Ready" in Jakarta, Indonesia, where the 43rd Summit of Southeast Asian Nations will be held starting on Tuesday. Hyundai designed the art cars, based on the Ioniq 5, Ioniq 6 and Genesis electric G80, in collaboration with artist JAY FLOW, to promote Busan's bid for hosting the World Expo 2030. A total of 23 art cars will be touring downtown Jakarta during the summit period. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

Hyundai Motor's "Art cars" with printings symbolize the city of Busan and a sign saying "Busan is Ready" in Jakarta, Indonesia, where the 43rd Summit of Southeast Asian Nations will be held starting on Tuesday. Hyundai designed the art cars, based on the Ioniq 5, Ioniq 6 and Genesis electric G80, in collaboration with artist JAY FLOW, to promote Busan's bid for hosting the World Expo 2030. A total of 23 art cars will be touring downtown Jakarta during the summit period. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]



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