To Busan!

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To Busan!

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Hyundai Motor Executive Chair Euisun Chung gives a toast at a reception dinner held for Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) representatives, diplomats and business heads at a hotel in Paris on Thursday. Chief Chung’s speech, given in English, focused on the attention Busan is receiving as a candidate to host the World Expo 2030, alongside the country’s strengths in science, technology, K-pop and K-food. He emphasized that Korea will keep its promises made to each country regardless of the results of the vote, which will take place Tuesday. The chief then toasted the many new friends that had been made during promotions during the bidding process. [YONHAP]

Hyundai Motor Executive Chair Euisun Chung gives a toast at a reception dinner held for Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) representatives, diplomats and business heads at a hotel in Paris on Thursday. Chief Chung’s speech, given in English, focused on the attention Busan is receiving as a candidate to host the World Expo 2030, alongside the country’s strengths in science, technology, K-pop and K-food. He emphasized that Korea will keep its promises made to each country regardless of the results of the vote, which will take place Tuesday. The chief then toasted the many new friends that had been made during promotions during the bidding process. [YONHAP]

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