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The South Korean men’s team that won the gold medal in the 10-meter target range running event, center, urges the North Korean team that won the silver medal, left, to join a group photo during the medal ceremony at Fuyang Yinhu Sports Center in Hangzhou, China, on Monday. The North Koreans refused the gesture. A similar situation happened in judo the same day when the North Korean judoka Kim Chol-gwang refused to shake the hand of his South Korean opponent, Kang Heon-cheol, in a round of 16 match in the men’s 76-kilogram division. The Asian Games in Hangzhou is the first international multi-sport event that the North Koreans have attended in five years since the Jakarta Palembang 2018 Asian Games [YONHAP]

The South Korean men’s team that won the gold medal in the 10-meter target range running event, center, urges the North Korean team that won the silver medal, left, to join a group photo during the medal ceremony at Fuyang Yinhu Sports Center in Hangzhou, China, on Monday. The North Koreans refused the gesture. A similar situation happened in judo the same day when the North Korean judoka Kim Chol-gwang refused to shake the hand of his South Korean opponent, Kang Heon-cheol, in a round of 16 match in the men’s 76-kilogram division. The Asian Games in Hangzhou is the first international multi-sport event that the North Koreans have attended in five years since the Jakarta Palembang 2018 Asian Games [YONHAP]

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