Police seek arrest warrant for North Korean defector who attempted border crossing in village bus

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Police seek arrest warrant for North Korean defector who attempted border crossing in village bus

A barricade is installed in front of the Unification Bridge in Paju, Gyeonggi. [YONHAP]

A barricade is installed in front of the Unification Bridge in Paju, Gyeonggi. [YONHAP]

Police applied for an arrest warrant on Wednesday against a North Korean defector who hijacked a bus and attempted to cross the border back to North Korea through the Unification Bridge in Gyeonggi. 
The Gyeonggi Bukbu Provincial Police Agency announced that it had applied for an arrest warrant against the defector on charges of violating the National Security Act, the Protection of Military Bases and Installations Act, vehicle theft and driving without a license.

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The man in his 30s, who does not have a driver's license, stole a village bus parked in a garage in Munsan-eup, Paju, around 1 a.m. Tuesday, after the key had been left in the vehicle.
He was arrested at approximately 1:30 a.m. after driving the bus from south of the Unification Bridge toward the north, ignoring military guards blocking the way. He traveled about 800 meters (2,625 feet) before crashing the vehicle into a barricade.   
The northern section of the Unification Bridge is off-limits to civilians and can only be passed after presenting a special pass.
The defector reportedly fled North Korea alone via a third country in 2011 and has been supporting himself through temporary construction jobs without a stable occupation for the past two years. The man was confirmed to have lived in Sillim-dong in Seoul's Gwanak District until recently.   
A motorcade carrying Avril Haines, U.S. Director of National Intelligence, crosing the Unificaition Bridge in Paju, Gyeonggi in May 2021. [YONHAP]

A motorcade carrying Avril Haines, U.S. Director of National Intelligence, crosing the Unificaition Bridge in Paju, Gyeonggi in May 2021. [YONHAP]

During the police investigation, he stated that he wanted to see the family he left behind in North Korea. It was confirmed that he was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
A police official said, "We applied for an arrest warrant based on multiple charges, including violation of the National Security Act."  
In September 2021, a woman in her 60s, also a North Korean defector, attempted to cross the border on foot near the southern gate of the Unification Bridge and was handed over to police.  
At the time, she was carrying emergency food and cash and told a soldier at a checkpoint, "I want to return to North Korea."
In August 2018, a North Korean defector in his 30s was arrested by Joint Security Area (JSA) troops after driving past military checkpoints without complying and entering the northern civilian control line.  
At that time, he passed through the southern gate checkpoint of the Unification Bridge, then the northern gate, the JSA checkpoint and the fourth barrier located at the entrance to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
This was the man’s second re-entry attempt. He had previously reentered North Korea via China but was repatriated through Panmunjom.  
"It seems these border-crossing incidents happen from time to time because North Korean defectors who left their families behind struggle with life in South Korea and wish to return to North Korea," a police official said. "Many defectors have faced life-threatening situations during their escape, which might explain why they have less fear of soldiers or military facilities compared to other people."

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]
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