North's Kim Jong-un calls Yoon an 'abnormal man,' threatens nuclear mobilization

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North's Kim Jong-un calls Yoon an 'abnormal man,' threatens nuclear mobilization

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspects a training base of the army's special operations forces on Wednesday. [KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY]

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspects a training base of the army's special operations forces on Wednesday. [KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY]

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol an "abnormal man" and threatened to "use all offensive forces including nuclear weapons," if South Korea attempts to use military force.
"Yoon boasted about an overwhelming military response right at the doorstep of a nuclear-armed state, which ironically raises suspicions of him being an abnormal man," Kim said during a visit to a training base of the North's special operation units on Wednesday, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Friday.

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Kim's strong remarks followed Yoon's speech during Tuesday's Armed Forces Day ceremony, where Yoon stated that North Korea would face the “end of its regime” should it attempt to utilize nuclear weapons and warned of a “resolute and overwhelming” response from the South Korea-U.S. alliance.
Kim also reiterated his commitment to retaining nuclear weapons, calling North Korea a “nuclear weapons state” and claiming that it has "irreversibly secured the absolute strength as a nuclear power and the system and function for using it."
This marks the first time in about two years that Kim has made such strong remarks against Yoon without addressing him as president, with the last instance occurring in July 2022 during a speech commemorating the 69th anniversary of the armistice that ended the Korean War (1950-1953).
Update, Aug. 8: Story updated to include quotes from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

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