North Korean leader's sister Kim Yo-jong mocks South Korea's Hyunmoo-5 missile as 'worthless bulk'

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North Korean leader's sister Kim Yo-jong mocks South Korea's Hyunmoo-5 missile as 'worthless bulk'

Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un [YONHAP]

Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un [YONHAP]

Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, mocked South Korea's Hyunmoo-5 missile, which was recently showcased during a military parade, as a "weapon of worthless large bulk."
Kim's comments were made in a statement released by the North's Korean Central News Agency on Thursday, following her observation of the missile at the 76th Armed Forces Day ceremony held on Tuesday at Seoul Air Base in Seongnam, Gyeonggi. She described the event as "no more than a foolish farce, with neither trace nor echo, like a group of curs passing across a stream."

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"The ROK puppets have a strange way of thinking that a conventional warhead, if its powder increases in weight, can be transformed into a nuclear warhead," said Kim regarding the Hyunmoo-5. She referred to the South by the acronym of its formal name, the Republic of Korea.  
Regarding the South's 9-axled transporter erector launchers carrying the missile, Kim dismissed its mobile ability for sideways movement as "only a necessary function when parking."  
Kim also criticized the appearance of a U.S. B-1B heavy bomber during the ceremony, calling the scene "so pitiful to see alone."
“The military chief of the ROK and his stooges, and the three services of the puppet armed forces were courteously lining up to pay regards to it. It may be unique in the world military parade history and the best scene that can be produced only in the colonial ROK."  
Regarding President Yoon Suk Yeol's remark during the ceremony — that North Korea would face the end of its regime if it attempted to use nuclear weapons — Kim said it is “no more than a last-ditch scream of a guy at death's door" and "none other than an exposure of anxious and impatient psychology without filtering."
Kim also compared Yoon to a "dog."
"No matter how much the dog may wear helmets, it can't be a tiger or a lion. Nevertheless, Yoon clamored in full tide of passion that they have a 'core strategic force giving faith and trust to the population.' It is nothing but a hungry dog barking with joy at getting a bone."

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