No urine in exported Tsingtao, Korean importer says

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No urine in exported Tsingtao, Korean importer says

A video seemingly shows an employee urinating in a Tsingtao Brewery factory in China [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A video seemingly shows an employee urinating in a Tsingtao Brewery factory in China [SCREEN CAPTURE]

The Korean importer of Tsingtao beer said Tsingtao products imported to Korea are unconnected to the factory in Qingdao, China, where an employee was seen in a now-viral video seemingly urinating in the production area.
"Tsingtao Brewery's headquarters confirmed that the company operates separate manufacturing facilities for domestic and export products," said BK, the Korean importer of Tsingtao, in a statement issued on Saturday. "The third factory [depicted in the video] specifically produces beer for the domestic market." 
Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety also weighed in, affirming that "beers produced in the factory in question are not imported into the country," adding that the factory "has not been registered as an overseas manufacturing site here."

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