Korea's Tsingtao importer vows strict inspection over 'pee-gate'

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Korea's Tsingtao importer vows strict inspection over 'pee-gate'

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Tsingtao beer displayed at a supermarket in Seoul. [YONHAP]

Tsingtao beer displayed at a supermarket in Seoul. [YONHAP]

BK, the Korean importer of China’s Tsingtao beer, said it will conduct an in-depth hygiene inspection of imported beers on Friday, as concerns grow over a video showing a Tsingtao factory worker urinating into a tank believed to contain malt.
The video rekindled worries about the safety of foods made in China after going viral in Korea last month. 

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BK said it will commission an agency affiliated with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to carry out an in-depth inspection of all of the beer brand's imported products that have yet to be distributed here.
BK also said it will conduct an on-site inspection of the Tsingtao factory that appeared in the video and announce the results of the inspection.
“We are facing great difficulties due to the case, but all of the company's employees and executives are putting in all-out efforts to deliver safe products to our customers,” BK said in a statement.

BY KIM JU-YEON, YONHAP [kim.juyeon2@joongang.co.kr]
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