Hyundai Motor signs MOU with Czech university on mobility technology development

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Hyundai Motor signs MOU with Czech university on mobility technology development

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From left, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology President Chun Yoon-joong, Korea Automotive Technology Institute President Na Seung-sik, Hyundai Motor Senior Vice President Kim Dong-wook, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Ahn Duk-geun, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Jozef Sikela and President of the Technical University of Ostrava Vaclav Snasel pose for the camera at an MOU signing ceremony held in Prague, Czech Republic, on Friday. [KOREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY]

From left, Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology President Chun Yoon-joong, Korea Automotive Technology Institute President Na Seung-sik, Hyundai Motor Senior Vice President Kim Dong-wook, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Ahn Duk-geun, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Jozef Sikela and President of the Technical University of Ostrava Vaclav Snasel pose for the camera at an MOU signing ceremony held in Prague, Czech Republic, on Friday. [KOREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY]

Hyundai Motor signed an agreement with the Czech Technical University of Ostrava for cooperation on future mobility technology on Friday.
The memorandum of understanding was signed in Prague, Czech Republic, on Friday together with the Korea Automotive Technology Institute (Katech) and Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT).
The four parties will collaborate on a wide variety of future mobility-related technologies, including vehicle-to-everything communication, vehicle-to-grid reverse-charging technology, AI and cybersecurity.
The signing ceremony on Friday saw Hyundai Motor’s Senior Vice President Kim Dong-wook, President of the Technical University of Ostrava Vaclav Snasel, Katech President Na Seung-sik and KEIT Chairman and President Chun Yoon-jong.
“It’s meaningful to start an R&D collaboration with the Ostrava technical university through the MOU, located close to Hyundai Motor’s Czech factory, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech,” Hyundai Motor’s senior vice president said.
Founded in 1849, the Technical University of Ostrava is located in the Moravian-Silesian Region, on the northeastern side of the Czech Republic.
Hyundai Motor will work with the university to commercialize the future mobility technologies, foster local talent and hold bilateral academic exchanges.  
“Through the combination of mobility technology and R&D capabilities that the parties have, we hope to achieve a technologically dominant position in the global market,” Katech's president said. 

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