Korean casual brand Hazzys holds show at London Fashion Week

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Korean casual brand Hazzys holds show at London Fashion Week

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Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys held a show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, the company said Friday.
Hazzys unveiled its 2024 fall/winter season and 2025 spring/summer season collection at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. The collection was designed in collaboration with the brand’s creative designer Kim Hun and China’s formalwear brand Baoxiniao.
Hazzys first joined London Fashion Week in 2019 with the brand’s 2020 spring/summer collection.
“Hazzys’ show at London Fashion Week is meaningful for the brand,” the company said. “While Hazzys is a Korean brand, the brand bases its roots in Britain [and] its ‘British traditional’ style of clothes.”
“We plan to boost Hazzys' presence globally,” Hazzys said. 
Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

Fashion retailer LF’s casual brand Hazzys' show at London Fashion Week spring/summer 2025, held at the Somerset House in central London on Sept. 15. [LF]

BY CHO YONG-JUN, YONHAP [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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