Woman in Hwang Ui-jo sex tape says footballer filmed her without consent

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Woman in Hwang Ui-jo sex tape says footballer filmed her without consent

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Lee Eun-eui, an attorney for the sex tape victim, discloses the text correspondence between Hwang Ui-jo and the victim at her office on Thursday. [NEWS1]

Lee Eun-eui, an attorney for the sex tape victim, discloses the text correspondence between Hwang Ui-jo and the victim at her office on Thursday. [NEWS1]

The woman in star footballer Hwang Ui-jo’s leaked sex tape explicitly stated that she did not want to be filmed, according to chat messages with Hwang revealed on Thursday.
The woman's lawyer disclosed a text correspondence and conversation over the phone between the woman and Hwang that took place on June 27 at a press briefing on Thursday morning.
The victim wrote, “I clearly said no,” and, “I asked you to delete the video.” She added, “How come there is a video even after I said no.”
She also wrote to Hwang, “You need to admit that you committed an illegal action.”
However, Hwang did not address or respond to the “illegality part” but replied, “I am trying to stop [the ongoing situation] as much as I can. Really.”
Two hours later, Hwang called her and said, “Although [the video] was not filmed illegally, it is my negligence that my belongings got stolen. I will try my best not to cause harm [to you].”
The victim’s attorney, Lee Eun-eui, said Hwang hired his legal team and received legal support for the second call between Hwang and the victim.
Chat messages between the victim and Hwang Ui-jo [LEE EUN-EUI]

Chat messages between the victim and Hwang Ui-jo [LEE EUN-EUI]

The attorney added, “In the first call, Hwang did not refute the part where the victim said it was illegally filmed. However, in the later call when Hwang reached out to her, he said it was not illegally filmed.”
“While questioning the tape-leaker, there was a statement that implied Hwang illegally shared the sex tape with his acquaintances. The victim is now suspicious, thinking who could see and share the sex tape.”
“If this is true, there would be much more serious damage and greater pain to the victim,” Lee said, adding that the victim is willing to cooperate with the investigation if the police ask.
“Hwang’s team wickedly unveiled the victim’s personal information, which poses an extreme degree of anxiety to the victim, making her feel threatened. We can no longer simply tolerate secondary damage to the victim.”
Hwang’s attorney on Wednesday said, “The woman in the video is a public figure working in the broadcasting industry and is already married to someone else.” 
Hwang’s side claimed that “the video was filmed by Hwang’s mobile phone and was not taken illegally as Hwang and the woman watched the video together after filming it.”
In June, an unidentified individual leaked the sex tape to accuse Hwang of filming videos without consent and having sexual relationships with many women. The individual, who claimed to be Hwang’s ex-lover, turned out to be his sister-in-law.
The police summoned Hwang and questioned him on suspicion of making the videos without consent on Saturday.
Hwang's attorney released a statement on the allegations on Monday, saying he filmed videos with the partners' consent.
Seoul police on Wednesday said the leaker was Hwang's sister-in-law, who acted as an agent for the footballer as she went on business trips with her husband to assist Hwang.
His sister-in-law was arrested and referred to the prosecution. 

BY HA SU-YOUNG, LEE SOO-JUNG [lee.soojung1@joongang.co.kr]
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