Apink to release new music this year

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Apink to release new music this year

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Five members of girl group Apink in 2023 [IST ENTERTAINMENT]

Five members of girl group Apink in 2023 [IST ENTERTAINMENT]

Girl group Apink is preparing for a comeback this year.
“Apink is currently preparing for a new release this year,” Apink’s Kim Nam-joo said in a surprise announcement during a press showcase for her second single, “Bad,” on Monday afternoon at the Ilchi Art Hall in Gangnam District, southern Seoul.
“I maybe shouldn’t have said this, but Apink is always preparing for a comeback. In fact, it takes two years for Apink to prepare a comeback,” she said with a laugh.

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Kim added that Apink’s upcoming release will not be affected by her solo single, which features a contrasting and daring concept.
“My solo music is not affecting the music that Apink is currently preparing,” she said. “If anything, I am trying to suggest that Apink should go for a more upbeat score, just like ‘Bad.’”
Apink's Kim Nam-joo performs poses during a press showcase for her second solo single, ″Bad,″ on Tuesday at the Ilchi Art Hall in Gangnam District, southern Seoul. [CHO YONG-JUN]

Apink's Kim Nam-joo performs poses during a press showcase for her second solo single, ″Bad,″ on Tuesday at the Ilchi Art Hall in Gangnam District, southern Seoul. [CHO YONG-JUN]

Apink released its 10th EP, “Self,” in April 2023, followed by special single “Pink Christmas” that December.
To find out more about Apink visit Celeb Confirmed!  

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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