Eight new international students receive Hansae Yes24 Foundation scholarships

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Eight new international students receive Hansae Yes24 Foundation scholarships

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Hansae Yes24 Foundation chairperson Baek Su-mi, center, poses for a photo with the eight new international students selected for the foundation's scholarship. [HANSAE YES24 FOUNDATION]

Hansae Yes24 Foundation chairperson Baek Su-mi, center, poses for a photo with the eight new international students selected for the foundation's scholarship. [HANSAE YES24 FOUNDATION]

Hansae Yes24 Foundation announced Monday that it would award scholarships to eight new international students.  
Eight new graduate school students from Colombia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Vietnam and Taiwan were awarded scholarships during a ceremony held Friday.  

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Students selected for the scholarship are given 2 million won per semester ($1,465) for a maximum of five semesters or until they finish their graduate program.
International students attending a graduate school in Korea who are interested in Korean culture are eligible to apply for the Hansae Yes24 Foundation's scholarship. Since 2005, around 130 students of 32 nationalities have received the scholarship.
The foundation opens applications twice a year, around March and September. 
"The scholarship program for international students, which has been in place even before the foundation was established, is a project that provides living expenses and tuition to help international students focus on their studies," said Baek Su-mi, chairperson of the foundation. "We hope to give practical support to talented students who wish to pursue their studies in Korea, continuing to offer help so they can develop a positive image of Korea and grow into global leaders."

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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