K-water hosts networking event at World Water Forum

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K-water hosts networking event at World Water Forum

Distinguished guests participated in the 2024 K-water Alumni & Global Partners Networking Reception event hosted by K-water on May 20. [K-WATER]

Distinguished guests participated in the 2024 K-water Alumni & Global Partners Networking Reception event hosted by K-water on May 20. [K-WATER]

The Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water) hosted the 2024 K-water Alumni & Global Partners Networking Reception event at the World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, on Monday.
The event was attended by high-level officials and ministers from Indonesia, Cambodia and the Philippines, as well as partners from international investment organizations.
Since 1997, K-water has been utilizing its water management experience and knowledge to collaborate with international investment partners such as multilateral development banks and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).  
Together, they have been conducting international education cooperation projects in the water sector, including consulting, invitation-based training programs and the exchange of technologies to enhance water management capabilities in various countries around the world.
Through these cooperative projects, K-water has seen the successful completion of its programs by over 5,000 individuals from 124 countries.
This event was organized to strengthen the international network that K-water has built over the years, to facilitate multilateral knowledge exchange with partner countries and international investment institutions and to discuss global issues such as the climate crisis.
The World Water Forum, where key figures from around the globe gather to discuss water management solutions in the era of climate crisis, was especially significant as K-water showcased three breakthrough technologies, including digital twin technology.  
In addition, K-water is also spearheading an international knowledge exchange platform to address water issues in various countries.
Notable attendees at K-water’s networking event included Basuki Hadimuljono, minister of Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing; An Pich Hatda, secretary of state of Cambodia’s Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology; the deputy mayor of the City of Denpasar, Indonesia; the assistant secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways of the Philippines; the deputy mayor of the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority of Bangladesh; the deputy director of the Uzbekistan Water Supply and Sewerage Authority and guests of honor from partner countries who received substantial assistance through capability enhancement programs, along with alumni from other major countries.
Furthermore, Saroj Jumar Jha, global director for the World Bank Group’s Water Global Practice, and delegations from global investment institutions who jointly operate capability enhancement programs with K-water, were also present at the occasion.
At the event, K-water shared its insight on knowledge exchange and capability improvement programs in the water sector.
The corporation’s three major breakthrough technologies, including AI-based water purification plants, were also discussed.
Participants engaged in panel debates to explore the application of water management technologies and address cooperation strategies for education on water.
K-water signed an agreement on Monday with the World Bank to strengthen knowledge exchanges related to cutting-edge digital water technologies.
On Tuesday, the companies participated in a special session where they shared models and case studies of global water management education cooperation, spreading water management experiences and knowhow to countries worldwide.
K-water President Yun Seogdae said that “in order to address the climate crisis in the water sector, digital water management technologies such as the three major breakthrough technologies and the level of understanding relevant to support such efforts is essential.”  
He further emphasized, "K-water will continue to activate knowledge cooperation and exchanges in the water sector, providing solutions for the climate crisis and water management to countries around the world."

BY JEONG SEONWU [jeong.seonwu@joongang.co.kr]
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