Red Velvet to celebrate 10th anniversary with 'Cosmic' album

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Red Velvet to celebrate 10th anniversary with 'Cosmic' album

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Girl group Red Velvet in December 2020 [MBC]

Girl group Red Velvet in December 2020 [MBC]

Girl group Red Velvet will release its new album, "Cosmic," on June 24 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its debut.
The new album will be "a completely new style of summer music" for Red Velvet, according to the group's agency SM Entertainment. Further details were not revealed on Monday.

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"Cosmic" is the quintet's first new album in seven months since its third full-length album, "Chill Kill," (2023) was released last November.
It will also signal "a string of various events" to come as a celebration of Red Velvet's 10th anniversary of debut, according to SM Entertainment.
Red Velvet debuted in August 2014 under SM Entertainment with four members and welcomed member Yeri in 2015 to make the five-member system it has now with Irene, Wendy, Seulgi, Joy and Yeri.
It is known for its hit songs such as "Red Flavor" (2017), "Psycho" (2019) and "Feel My Rhythm" (2022).
Preorders for "Cosmic" began Monday both online and offline.

Find out more about Red Velvet at Celeb Confirmed

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