Auto insurers shell out for damage from North's balloon bombardment

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Auto insurers shell out for damage from North's balloon bombardment

The shattered windshield of a car, caused by a balloon launched by North Korea filled with waste in Ansan City, Gyeonggi [JOONGANG ILBO]

The shattered windshield of a car, caused by a balloon launched by North Korea filled with waste in Ansan City, Gyeonggi [JOONGANG ILBO]

South Korea’s insurance companies have begun covering damage caused by the waste-filled balloons launched by North Korea, following reports of a shattered windshield and other broken parts.
One of the North's waste-filled balloons fell on a parked car in Ansan City, Gyeonggi, shattering the windshield, Yonhap News Agency said Wednesday. The balloon contained feces and trash.
The car's owner filed a claim with their automobile insurance company under the comprehensive coverage option. Comprehensive coverage is a type of insurance that applies to damage to the policyholder's own vehicle. Typically, the plan requires the policyholder to pay 20 percent of the repair costs, with a deductible usually ranging from 200,000 won ($145) to 500,000 won.
The car owner paid 200,000 won out of some 530,000 won in repair costs, with the remaining balance covered by the insurance company, which categorized the balloons as falling objects.
"Normally, premiums get reduced should there be no accident, but in this case, the premium will remain the same as last year, with no discount applied,” the insurance company’s spokesman said. Insurance providers raise premiums if there is an accident caused by the policyholder or they are found to bear some responsibility.
Another insurance claim was filed on Sunday, when another policyholder’s car was damaged by a balloon launched by North Korea. The car was parked in Dongdaemun District, central Seoul.
The car owner is expected to pay for a portion of the repair costs.
While the accident or auto insurance policy does not cover damage or injuries resulting from war, acts of foreign forces and internal disturbances such as revolutions or riots, the insurance industry has agreed to honor the coverage this time.
Seoul and Gyeonggi plan to provide rapid support for the damage.
To date, North Korea is estimated to have launched 1,600 waste-filled balloons to South Korea on four separate occasions since the end of May.

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