HD Hyundai employees clean up cemeteries to honor patriots and veterans

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HD Hyundai employees clean up cemeteries to honor patriots and veterans

HD Hyundai employees participate in a volunteer program to tend gravesites at Seoul National Cemetery in southern Seoul. [HD HYUNDAI]

HD Hyundai employees participate in a volunteer program to tend gravesites at Seoul National Cemetery in southern Seoul. [HD HYUNDAI]

Around 140 HD Hyundai employees participated in volunteer programs to spruce up cemeteries in an effort to mark Korea's designated month for honoring and commemorating patriots and veterans. 
The employees tended grave sites by whacking weeds, planting flowers and cleaning gravestones at Seoul National Cemetery in southern Seoul and Yeongcheon National Cemetery in North Gyeongsang. The voluntary programs were held twice, on May 24 and June 14.
In Korea, June is called the "Month of Patriots and Veterans," with Memorial Day on June 6. 
HD Hyundai has hosted volunteer cemetery cleanups every year since 2015, when it allied with Seoul National Cemetery. 
The Korean company has been running a donation campaign in June for individuals of national merit and their descendants.  

BY SARAH CHEA [chea.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
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