Busan UNs program opens applications for 100 students

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Busan UNs program opens applications for 100 students

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Students selected for Busan Global City Foundation's UNs program last year [BUSAN GLOBAL CITY FOUNDATION]

Students selected for Busan Global City Foundation's UNs program last year [BUSAN GLOBAL CITY FOUNDATION]

Busan Global City Foundation is accepting applications for its UNs program, which aims to promote Busan as a global city. 
The foundation will select 100 students to participate in this year's UNs program, which will run from July to December.  
UNs members will help prepare for public diplomacy events in Busan and promote them by writing blogs and creating social media content.
Members will participate in the UN Weeks in Busan, a three-week-long event that acknowledges UN Korean War veterans, among other events. Participants will also create content promoting Busan as a global city.  
Students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs in Busan are eligible to apply. International students are also welcome, although they must be able to communicate in Korean.  
Applications are open until July 5 via the Busan Global City Foundation website.  
"Recruiting UNs members will help enhance Busan's global competency and create a global image," said Jun Yong-woo, the CEO of the Busan Global City Foundation. "It will be a great opportunity for Busan to solidify its position as a global hub city."

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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