The Korea JoongAng Daily welcomes second batch of University Ambassadors

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The Korea JoongAng Daily welcomes second batch of University Ambassadors

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Students selected for the second batch of the Korea JoongAng Daily University Ambassadors program pose for a photo during the orientation session on Thursday. [LEE TAE-HEE]

Students selected for the second batch of the Korea JoongAng Daily University Ambassadors program pose for a photo during the orientation session on Thursday. [LEE TAE-HEE]

The Korea JoongAng Daily selected the second group of international students that will participate in the University Ambassadors program, holding an orientation session on Thursday.
The 26 students that will be participating in the second batch of the Korea JoongAng Daily University Ambassadors program gathered at the JoongAng Ilbo building in Mapo District, western Seoul, on Thursday to celebrate the program's launch.
Throughout the five-month program, students will create content for K-campus, a service run by the Korea JoongAng Daily providing information that helps international students adapt to university life in Korea. The students will write about their campus experience on the platform, and also create social media content.
The students come from 20 different countries, representing a total of 20 universities.
Aiming to help the students with their writing, the Korea JoongAng Daily provided a lecture about writing catchy titles, fact-checking and the overall content-creation process.

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