Turkmen puppies settle into new home at Korean presidential residence

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Turkmen puppies settle into new home at Korean presidential residence

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Two Alabai puppies play with each other in their new home, the presidential residence in Yongsan, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Two Alabai puppies play with each other in their new home, the presidential residence in Yongsan, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

A pair of Alabai shepherd dogs from Turkmenistan have finally moved into their new home, the Korean presidential residence in central Seoul. 
The two puppies — gifted to the presidential couple during a recent state visit to Turkmenistan — settled into their new digs at noon Wednesday after the Embassy of Turkmenistan officially handed them over, the presidential office said.  
The two flew from their homeland of Turkmenistan in a cargo plane and arrived in Korea at 9 p.m. Tuesday.  

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President Yoon Suk Yeol and first lady Kim Keon Hee received the male and female pair of Alabai as a symbol of bilateral friendship from former Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, current chairman of the People's Council, on June 11 during their state visit to Turkmenistan.  
The presidential couple now shares their roof with a total of 13 pets — eight dogs and five cats. The newcomers are the youngest, at around 40 days old.  
An Alabai puppy gifted by Turkmenistan's leader undergoes quarantine measures with the help of officers at the Korea Customs Service at Incheon International Airport on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

An Alabai puppy gifted by Turkmenistan's leader undergoes quarantine measures with the help of officers at the Korea Customs Service at Incheon International Airport on Tuesday. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Upon their arrival at Incheon International Airport, a veterinarian from the Korea Customs Service inserted microchips into their bodies and completed quarantine measures. They are now officially registered in a state-managed animal database.  
A professional Turkmen dogsitter — who arrived in Korea with the puppies — will stay about a week in Seoul to share tips and knowledge about raising Alabai with their Korean counterparts. A team of professional pet sitters and veterinarians will provide dedicated care to the Alabai and help them adapt to their new home.
The presidential office said it will make “utmost effort to let the two Alabai dogs enjoy happy and healthy lives” in Korea “since President Yoon and first lady Kim have been consistently vocal on animal rights.”  
The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Seoul hosts an event on Wednesday to celebrate the Korean government’s reception of two Alabai dogs gifted by Turkmenistan’s former president during President Yoon Suk Yeol’s recent state visit to the country. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Seoul hosts an event on Wednesday to celebrate the Korean government’s reception of two Alabai dogs gifted by Turkmenistan’s former president during President Yoon Suk Yeol’s recent state visit to the country. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

According to Turkmenistan officials, the country’s fluffy furry presents stand for “eternal friendship,” as the breed symbolizes unswerving loyalty and commitment.  
The breed is known to be active and energetic. This demeanor makes an environment where the dogs can freely and endlessly run and move around “essential” for healthier bone growth.  
Although the pair’s permanent home has not been decided, Seoul Grand Park will most likely accommodate the two when they become mature.
The presidential office said it is “reviewing means of letting the pair meet and greet the Korean public.”  
Two Alabai dogs in cages are carried by handlers after disembarking from a cargo airplane after arriving at Incheon International Airport on Tuesday night. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Two Alabai dogs in cages are carried by handlers after disembarking from a cargo airplane after arriving at Incheon International Airport on Tuesday night. [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Two Alabai puppies at the presidential residence in Yongsan, central Seoul on Wednesday [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

Two Alabai puppies at the presidential residence in Yongsan, central Seoul on Wednesday [PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE]

BY LEE SOO-JUNG [lee.soojung1@joongang.co.kr]
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