Yeongdeungpo, Turkish embassy to cooperate on renovating symbolic park

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Yeongdeungpo, Turkish embassy to cooperate on renovating symbolic park

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Ambassador of Turkiye to Seoul Murat Tamer, right, and Yeongdeungpo District Mayor Choi Ho-kwon shake hands during the ceremony for the signing of a cooperation protocol at the Turkish Embassy in Jung District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [EMBASSY OF TURKIYE]

Ambassador of Turkiye to Seoul Murat Tamer, right, and Yeongdeungpo District Mayor Choi Ho-kwon shake hands during the ceremony for the signing of a cooperation protocol at the Turkish Embassy in Jung District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [EMBASSY OF TURKIYE]

The Turkish Embassy and the Yeongdeungpo District Office signed an agreement Tuesday to cooperate in renovating the Turkish Traditional Vineyard House in the district's Ankara Park, the embassy announced Wednesday.
The protocol signing ceremony took place at the embassy’s office in Jung District, with the participation of embassy officials, personnel from the district office and members of academia.  
Ambassador Murat Tamer said during the ceremony that the cooperation agreement is a concrete achievement showing both countries' will to deepen their friendly and brotherly relations. He thanked the mayor of Yeongdeungpo for visiting the embassy on Tuesday, the second day of the Islamic religious holiday of Eid al-Adha.
By signing the protocol, the two sides have agreed to cooperate in the renewal, maintenance and operation of the Turkish Traditional Vineyard House and its surrounding areas to strengthen the cultural ties between Türkiye and South Korea.
Built in 1992, the replica of a traditional Turkish farmhouse contains hundreds of works of Turkish folkcraft donated by Türkiye's capital, Ankara. The surrounding park was opened in 1973 after Seoul and Ankara entered into a sibling city relationship.
Korea and Türkiye share deep historical ties dating back to the Korean War of 1950-1953, when Türkiye sent thousands of troops to defend South Korea under the UN flag.
Accordingly, the two sides will cooperate to organize activities in the venue to bolster social and cultural interactions between Turkish and Korean societies.

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