Touring K-pop music festival KCON to host event in Germany for first time

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Touring K-pop music festival KCON to host event in Germany for first time

Boy band Stray Kids at the KCON LA 2023 in August 2023 [CJ ENM]

Boy band Stray Kids at the KCON LA 2023 in August 2023 [CJ ENM]

Germany will be holding its first-ever KCON, a K-pop music festival hosted by CJ ENM, this year at Messe Frankfurt on Sept. 28 and 29.
CJ ENM announced Friday that the annual K-pop music festival, which tours different cities around the world every year, will make a stop in Germany for the first time.
KCON Germany 2024 will include meet and greet events between K-pop artists and their fans, with chances to meet up-and-coming rookie K-pop acts and enjoy many other programs devised around the word “dance,” CJ ENM said.

"I am very happy to announce the first-ever KCON in Germany for the European K-pop fans who have waited a long time," said Shin Hyung-kwan, head of music content business at CJ ENM on Friday.  
"We will deliver more joy with an expanded lineup and various programs, exceeding expectations,” he said. “We are committed to providing opportunities for fans and artists who love K-pop to communicate closely with each other and create memories."  
KCON has been introducing K-pop artists around the world since 2012, with its first festival being held in Irvine, California.   
KCON has been to cities in different countries including the United States, Japan, Thailand, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong. 

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