Russian diplomat refuses breathalyzer test on immunity grounds after car crash

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Russian diplomat refuses breathalyzer test on immunity grounds after car crash

An image of the Korean National Police Agency [SCREEN CAPUTRE]

An image of the Korean National Police Agency [SCREEN CAPUTRE]

A Russian diplomat refused to take a breathalyzer test after being involved in a car accident in Seoul Thursday night, the police said Friday.
The diplomat, whose identity has not been revealed, rear-ended a taxi with a vehicle bearing a Russian Embassy license plate in a narrow alley in the capital's Jung District at 8:46 p.m. on Thursday, according to the Seoul Namdaemun Police Precinct.
The taxi driver was not injured, but the car was damaged, police said.
Following the police report, the authorities arrived at the scene. Detecting the odor of alcohol, police attempted to administer a breathalyzer, but the diplomat refused, citing diplomatic immunity.
Due to this immunity, the police were unable to detain him. A representative from the Russian Embassy arrived at the scene to escort the diplomat away.
Authorities are reviewing the immunity status and considering whether to charge him for refusing the breathalyzer test.

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