Genesis BBQ opens a store in Hollywood

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Genesis BBQ opens a store in Hollywood

People ordering food in the BBQ LA Hollywood store [GENESIS BBQ]

People ordering food in the BBQ LA Hollywood store [GENESIS BBQ]

Korean fried chicken franchise Genesis BBQ opened a store in Hollywood, Los Angeles, continuing its expansion into the U.S. market.
The BBQ LA Hollywood store is 92.9 square meters (1,000 square feet) in size and focuses on takeout and delivery services, as the surrounding area is concentrated with movie filming locations and studios, which typically have a high demand for these services.
Los Angeles has a population of 3.82 million, making it the most populous area in California and the second largest city in the United States after New York. Additionally, Hollywood attracts 10 million tourists annually.
The store will offer chicken menu items such as Golden Olive Chicken and Soy Garlic, as well as Korean dishes like kimchi fried rice, spicy chicken rice bowl and noodle tteokbokki
BBQ has opened stores in 28 states across the United States, including New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Georgia and Hawaii.
The company operates its stores in 57 countries worldwide, including Canada, Panama, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan.
"As a representative of Korean food, we will continue to strive to promote the taste of BBQ chicken and Korean cuisine in more regions," a BBQ spokesman said.  

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