Choi Goen announced as winner of Frieze Seoul Artist Award

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Choi Goen announced as winner of Frieze Seoul Artist Award

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Artist Choi Goen [FRIEZE SEOUL]

Artist Choi Goen [FRIEZE SEOUL]

Choi Goen has been announced as the winner of the 2024 Frieze Seoul Artist Award.
The annual award is given to an up and rising artist who will then debut new artwork at the Frieze art fair in Coex, southern Seoul.

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Choi’s works will be shown from Sept. 4 to 7. The 39-year-old artist will present two large-scale installations, “White Home Wall: Welcome” and “Gloria,” which both deal with topics of materialism, as they are made from recycling old exhaust pipes and air-conditioning units.
“I’ve been reflecting about the materiality of technology in today’s digital world,” Choi said during the award ceremony at The Shilla Hotel in Jung District, central Seoul, on Monday evening.
“Although we do tend to think that technology is nonmaterial, a significant portion of technology is based on physical foundations and relies on material,” she continued. “As someone who works on sculptures and uses materials and space affected by gravity, this is such an important topic to me.”
This year is the award’s second edition. Last year’s winner was Woo Hannah, who showcased her large-scale installation “The Great Ballroom” (2023) at the fair.

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