Krafton announces geurrilla test of Dark and Darker Mobile RPG

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Krafton announces geurrilla test of Dark and Darker Mobile RPG

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Poster promoting guerrilla testing of Krafton's role-playing game (RPG) Dark and Darker Mobile [KRAFTON]

Poster promoting guerrilla testing of Krafton's role-playing game (RPG) Dark and Darker Mobile [KRAFTON]

Krafton will conduct guerrilla testing of its highly anticipated role-playing game (RPG) Dark and Darker Mobile in Korea from Friday to Sunday.
The surprise announcement came from Ahn Joon-seok, the publisher's lead producer on Dark and Darker Mobile, through the game’s YouTube channel on Wednesday.
It is the second phase of evaluation in the country since Krafton recruited beta testers in April. The company plans to showcase new content that was not available in the first test, such as new "raid dungeon" content through which players can challenge monsters that roam underground. Gamers will also be able to enjoy player-versus-player content where they step into the arena for combat.
User feedback from the April test has been incorporated to improve the gameplay experience and balance.
Class-specific tutorials have been provided to make it more convenient for users to learn the game, and the controls for the Ranger Class have been improved.
Additionally, the balance of certain items such as the “Molotov cocktail” firebomb have been adjusted to provide a more pleasant gaming experience.
Gamers who wish to participate can download the RPG beforehand from 11 a.m. Wednesday. Instructions on the download and test participation are provided on the game's official website and community channels.
Both Android and iOS users can participate.
Krafton added that it will host a global beta test in the beginning of August, which will include countries such as the United States, Japan and Turkey.
Developed by Krafton’s Bluehole Studio, the game publisher acquired global rights last August to develop and publish a mobile adaptation of the massively multiplayer online (MMO) game Dark and Darker, developed by another game company, Ironmace.
The game’s official release is scheduled to be within the year, although a specific timeline has not yet been disclosed.

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