SKT, Singapore's Singtel ink MOU on AI, 6G development

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SKT, Singapore's Singtel ink MOU on AI, 6G development

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Kang Jong-ryeol, SK Telecom's head of ICT Infra division, left, and Tay Yeow Lian, Singtel's managing director of networks, pose after signing a memorandum of understanding to advance network technologies at SK Telecom's headquarters in central Seoul. [SK TELECOM]

Kang Jong-ryeol, SK Telecom's head of ICT Infra division, left, and Tay Yeow Lian, Singtel's managing director of networks, pose after signing a memorandum of understanding to advance network technologies at SK Telecom's headquarters in central Seoul. [SK TELECOM]

SK Telecom, Korea’s largest wireless carrier, and Singapore’s Singtel signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to enhance their network infrastructure for the advancement of AI services and 6G.
The two telecom operators will co-develop innovative network solutions such as Edge-AI Infrastructure, which reduces the computational burden on the cloud through edge computing — bringing processing closer to the originating source — and performs AI inference to improve customer experience. 
The MOU also includes a commitment to collaborate on 6G application and research and development to efficiently configure network structures that align with the global standards for environmental, social and governance initiatives.
Specifically, the goal is to materialize AI services that can be offered from the development of their Edge-AI Infrastructure.
The two companies also aim to publish a paper on their network advancements in virtualization and network slicing — creating multiple virtual networks within a single physical one — with the aim of helping other telecom firms capitalize on 5G and prepare for the upcoming 6G.
SK Telecom and Singtel are members of the Global Telco AI Alliance forged by telecom companies around the world in November, as well as part of the initiative to form a global joint venture with Japan’s SoftBank, Germany’s Deutsche Telekom and United Arab Emirates’ e& to jointly commercialize a telco-tailored large language model.
"The collaboration between SKT and Singtel marks a significant first step in shaping the future of the global telecommunications industry,” said Kang Jong-ryeol, SK Telecom’s head of ICT Infra division, said in a statement.
"By combining the strengths of both companies, we aim to achieve efficient high-performance network construction, enhance network stability and discover new network-based services. Additionally, we will strive to make significant advancements in next-generation communication technologies, including AI-powered wired and wireless infrastructure."

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