Fans accuse Dolce & Gabbana of racism over treatment of Ateez's San at fashion show

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Fans accuse Dolce & Gabbana of racism over treatment of Ateez's San at fashion show

Ateez member San dressed up for the Dolce & Gabbana show [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Ateez member San dressed up for the Dolce & Gabbana show [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Fans of boy band Ateez member San accused fashion brand Dolce & Gabbana of racism, after pictures of the K-pop singer during last week's fashion show went viral over the weekend.

During the fashion brand's 2024 Alta Moda show, San was seen sitting on the edge of his seat without a cushion, unlike other people around him. Netizens speculated that the absence of the cushion was a demonstration of racism, accusing the brand of neglecting San’s comfort.

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San's outfit at the time, which was revealing and uncomfortable compared to the suit-like clothes the other attendees were wearing, also was a cause for concern, according to netizens.

The Ateez member explained that it was nothing more than a "misunderstanding."
“It is sad to see misunderstandings happening,” said San. “It was a great experience for me.” He added that there was "no such thing [as racism]" at the show. 
San sits on the edge of his seat the Dolce & Gabbana show [SCREEN CAPTURE]

San sits on the edge of his seat the Dolce & Gabbana show [SCREEN CAPTURE]

“The cushion was my doing,” said San. “The people around me — myself included — were big and the seat was not adequately large enough. Sometimes, they had to sit on the edge as well.”  

"It was my favorite among the 10 outfits prepared by the brand," said San regarding his wardrobe choice at the show. "I wanted to be recognized in the fashion world through this daring outfit."

Dolce & Gabbana was previously accused of racism against Asians when it released a commercial portraying an Asian model struggling to eat pizza with chopsticks in 2018.

Other overseas events have also been accused of racism due to the treatment of Asian stars, especially in K-pop. Boy band Stray Kids was subject to allegedly racist comments by photographers during this year’s Met Gala on May 7. Actor Lim Yoon-a was harassed by an allegedly racist security guard at the 77th Cannes Film Festival on May 19. 

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