Incheon Airport entertains with 'Ghost Out of the Machine' art exhibition

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Incheon Airport entertains with 'Ghost Out of the Machine' art exhibition

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″Double Poser″ by Kim Hee-cheon on display at Incheon International Airport's Terminal 1 [KOREA ARTS MANAGEMENT SERVICE]

″Double Poser″ by Kim Hee-cheon on display at Incheon International Airport's Terminal 1 [KOREA ARTS MANAGEMENT SERVICE]

Passengers waiting to board their flight at Incheon International Airport can entertain themselves with a media art exhibition that starts Wednesday.
The Korea Arts Management Service and Incheon Airport are co-hosting the exhibition “Ghost Out of the Machine,” which presents 16 works from eight artists and art teams. The pieces are located across nine different entry and departure gates inside the airport’s Terminal 1, Concourse and Terminal 2.
The “ghost” in the exhibition’s title alludes to the “new types of identities” formed along the airline network, which “connect the sky, cities, people and buildings,” the Korea Arts Management Service said in a press release.
The works on display include “Double Poser” by Kim Hee-cheon, “Shadow Planet” by Park Min-ha, “Acid to York” by Park Yun-ju, “Oneroom-Babel” by Sanghee, “Syncope” by Jun So-jung, “Dalle’s Aimy” by Tzusoo, “The Tumble” by Choi Chan-sook and “They Cannot Tough Her” by Han Ji-hyoung.
″Dalle's Aimy″ by Tzusoo on display at Incheon International Airport's Terminal 2 [KOREA ARTS MANAGEMENT SERVICE]

″Dalle's Aimy″ by Tzusoo on display at Incheon International Airport's Terminal 2 [KOREA ARTS MANAGEMENT SERVICE]

A docent tour and augmented reality program is available at the airport. The docent tour will also be available in English. More information about the programs can be found on the Instagram account of the exhibition's organizer, Mars Green (@marsgreenco).
The Korea Arts Management Service and Incheon Airport are also co-hosting two exhibitions held at Gimpo International Airport in Gangseo District, western Seoul, and Gimhae International Airport in Busan. Both kicked off earlier this month and are comprised of 29 media art and installations, some of which are open to visitors without an airplane ticket.
Incheon Airport saw some 3.9 million visitors from July 25 to Aug. 15 last year, which is considered the busiest summer season, and an average of around 178,000 people per day. With these airport art exhibitions, the Korea Arts Management Service said that it hopes to make art more accessible to the public.
“Ghost Out of the Machine” ends Nov. 10.

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