Mercedes-Benz dealers apparently trained to promote CATL battery cells in EVs

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Mercedes-Benz dealers apparently trained to promote CATL battery cells in EVs

A Mercedes-Benz executive examines the burnt Mercedes EQE sedan in Incheon on Aug. 8. The Mercedes EQE EV explosion damaged as many as 880 vehicles parked in the garage. [NEWS1]

A Mercedes-Benz executive examines the burnt Mercedes EQE sedan in Incheon on Aug. 8. The Mercedes EQE EV explosion damaged as many as 880 vehicles parked in the garage. [NEWS1]

Mercedes-Benz car dealers in Korea have apparently been trained by the company's local unit to tell customers that the automaker used battery cells produced exclusively by CATL in its EV models.
In the 2023 EQ Sales Playbook, Mercedes-Benz Korea's official dealer training material, dealers were instructed to mention CATL as the EV battery cell manufacturer when responding to customer inquiries. CATL is the global leader in EV battery sales.
The topic of EV battery cell suppliers has been a closely watched matter within the auto industry recently, following a massive fire caused by a Mercedes-Benz EV that ended up damaging over 100 vehicles and destroying an underground apartment parking garage in Incheon, west of Seoul, in August.
To the surprise of many, battery cells used in the EV in question turned out to be from Farasis Energy, a Chinese firm known to be ranked at around 10th globally.
The training material also included a consultation scenario for addressing customer concerns about the safety of Chinese-made batteries. In sample responses, Mercedes-Benz Korea exclusively mentions CATL as the manufacturer of its EV battery cells.
A sample response states, "CATL is a Chinese company, but it has the most advanced technology in the global battery industry."
It also states, "Only thin battery cells, which are components of the finished battery product, are supplied by CATL, while the production of the finished battery is done at [Mercedes-Benz] headquarters in Germany."
Mercedes-Benz Korea is currently under investigation by the Fair Trade Commission for allegations of providing false information related to EV batteries to customers.


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