Nongshim opens ramyeon experience store in Myeong-dong

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Nongshim opens ramyeon experience store in Myeong-dong

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Nongshim, a food manufacturer, opened an experience store for its ramyeon products in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, on Monday. [NONGSHIM]

Nongshim, a food manufacturer, opened an experience store for its ramyeon products in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, on Monday. [NONGSHIM]

Nongshim, a food manufacturer, opened an experience store for its ramyeon products in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, on Monday.
The "K-Ramyun Supermarket" store, located on the second floor above Korea Mart, aims to promote the brand to foreign tourists visiting the popular shopping venue. Visitors can buy a packet of instant soup ramyeon and taste it in the store, said Nongshim. 
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