Actor Jeong Ga-eun apologizes for inappropriate social media post

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Actor Jeong Ga-eun apologizes for inappropriate social media post

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Actor Jeong Ga-eun [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Actor Jeong Ga-eun [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Actor Jeong Ga-eun apologized for the controversy surrounding the sexual harassment of a fellow actor.
In her apology posted on Instagram on Saturday, she said she admits to making “everyone feel uncomfortable with my thoughtless words while posting a photograph taken during a rehearsal of a play ‘Boeing Boeing.’ I will be more careful and cautious with my words and actions in the future.”
Jeong had uploaded a photograph on her Instagram story on July 25 featuring Jeong and a male actor. The photo showed Jung touching what appeared to be the buttocks of the actor she was working with in the play. The caption was what sparked controversy as it read, “I’m in a rehearsal and my hands are getting lucky today.”
Jeong's Instagram story posted on July 25 showing her two hands on a fellow male actor's buttocks. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Jeong's Instagram story posted on July 25 showing her two hands on a fellow male actor's buttocks. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Jeong, 46, is currently rehearsing for a play “Boeing Boeing,” which is to run at the Daehangno Art House from Aug. 3 to Oct. 31.

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