Internship programs flourish for international students at Korean universities

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Internship programs flourish for international students at Korean universities

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Philippine students invited through Daegu Health College's Global Internship Exchange program pose for a photo with the Korean university's students. [DAEGU HEALTH COLLEGE]

Philippine students invited through Daegu Health College's Global Internship Exchange program pose for a photo with the Korean university's students. [DAEGU HEALTH COLLEGE]

Many universities are offering internship opportunities to international students over the summer vacation, with some inviting students from abroad as well.
Daegu Health College announced Tuesday it concluded the Global Internship Exchange program, inviting students from the Philippines.
A total of 14 students from Far Eastern University's School of Physical Therapy and 15 students from Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas' College of Nursing were invited to participate in internships and take Korean classes. The students started the internship program on July 17 and 22, respectively.  
The Philippine students also participated in practical training classes with students from Daegu Health College's physical therapy and nursing majors.
"We hope university students from the Philippines will grow by experiencing Korea's leading health and medical systems and the country's culture," said Kim Kyung-yong, head of the university's Office of International Affairs. "We will continue to work on strengthening international partnerships to foster global talent."
Cheonan is also working with 11 universities in the city, such as Soonchunhyang University, Kongju National University and Dankook University, to offer internship opportunities to international students.  
A total of 12 students have been selected for this year's summer internship, which will allow students to work at local companies until August 30.
"Through the international student internship, we plan to solve the labor shortage we are facing due to the population decrease," said Park Sang-don, mayor of Cheonan. "We believe finding talented international students will greatly benefit Cheonan's innovation and growth."  
The internship program was introduced as a trial run last year and has become an official program starting this year following positive responses from participating universities and companies. 
The University of Seoul is another university offering internships, specifically to international master's students enrolled in the International School of Urban Sciences.
A total of 28 students are participating in the internship program during the summer vacation at various government organizations.
The internship program isn't just offered in the summer, but is also regularly offered to the school's students during the winter vacation period.

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