Twenty Korean startups launch generative AI association

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Twenty Korean startups launch generative AI association

  • 기자 사진
Participants of the launch event for the Generative AI Startup Association, including Lee Se-young, founder and CEO of Wrtn Technologies, fifth from left in the front row, and Koh Jean, sixth from left in the front row, Chair of the Presidential Committee of Digital Platform Gvoernment pose for a photo on Monday. [GENERATIVE AI STARTUP ASSOCIATION]

Participants of the launch event for the Generative AI Startup Association, including Lee Se-young, founder and CEO of Wrtn Technologies, fifth from left in the front row, and Koh Jean, sixth from left in the front row, Chair of the Presidential Committee of Digital Platform Gvoernment pose for a photo on Monday. [GENERATIVE AI STARTUP ASSOCIATION]

An association comprised of Korean generative AI startups launched on Monday in a bid to establish an efficient and socially responsible ecosystem for AI players in the country. 
The Generative AI Startup Association, the first of its type in Korea, consists of 20 startups dedicated to various fields of AI such as chatbots, education, photos and patents. 
“At a time when fostering the AI industry has become an important task for the country, it is appreciated that generative AI startups have voluntarily come together and established an association,” said Lee Young, minister of SMEs and startups in a celebratory speech Monday. 
“Considering the many areas that will be affected by AI, its influence will only grow bigger in the future. [The ministry] will not pull back on its efforts to help the growth of AI startups in the country.”
The association set three targets: creating an AI ecosystem for all, offering safe AI services that uphold social responsibility, and boosting Korea's AI competitiveness. 
“The association launched with 20 startups but there have been continued inquiries about joining the association,” said Lee Se-young, founder and CEO of Wrtn Technologies, which will head the association. 
“We plan on holding conferences or seminars on AI agendas.”
The association's member startups include Wrtn Technologies, Upstage, Liner and Scatter Lab among others. 

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