Incheon Airport to implement new celebrity crowd control rules this month

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Incheon Airport to implement new celebrity crowd control rules this month

Actor Byeon Woo-seok arrives at Incheon International Airport after his trip to Hong Kong. His private security guards were accused in July of overprotecting the actor during his departure for Hong Kong from the airport for his Asia fan meeting tour. [NEWS1]

Actor Byeon Woo-seok arrives at Incheon International Airport after his trip to Hong Kong. His private security guards were accused in July of overprotecting the actor during his departure for Hong Kong from the airport for his Asia fan meeting tour. [NEWS1]

Incheon International Airport will implement on-site response manuals for celebrity security by the end of this month in response to controversies surrounding actor Byeon Woo-seok's overprotective guards.
The documents — a follow-up measure after the airport promised preventative action against celebrities' excessive security measures in July — will outline procedures for celebrity arrivals and departures at the airport, according to a report submitted to National Assembly Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee member Jeon Yong-gi on Tuesday.

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The report identified insufficient information sharing and ineffective oversight by private security agencies as the primary contributors to inappropriate on-site responses at the airport.
When private security agencies deploy guards at the airport, they often fail to share information, making it difficult for the corporation to exercise effective oversight.
Airport police will now be responsible for crowd control when a celebrity arrival or departure is expected to draw 300 to 500 people. For crowds exceeding 500 people, airport police will take a more proactive approach to further bolster on-site control and security, according to the new manual.
The corporation also plans to take a firmer stance against inappropriate behavior by private security guards on site. Any such incidents will be reported to the airport police, and the corporation will actively pursue charges against security agencies that engage in illegal activities such as destroying airport infrastructure.
Byeon Woo-seok's security guards allegedly flash a light at passengers. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Byeon Woo-seok's security guards allegedly flash a light at passengers. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

The airport corporation sent official letters to entertainment companies on July 29 urging them to refrain from exploiting their artists' popularity by leaking travel schedules in advance and to promote a culture of quiet arrivals and departures.
Byeon’s private security guards came under fire in July for blocking the airport gates, flashing lights at passengers in the airport lounge and arbitrarily checking some passengers' tickets and passports without proper authorization from the airport, citing a need to protect the actor.

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