Korea, New Zealand agree on enhanced security cooperation at summit

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Korea, New Zealand agree on enhanced security cooperation at summit

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President Yoon Suk Yeol, right, and New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon pose for a photo during their summit held at the presidential office in Seoul on Wednesday. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

President Yoon Suk Yeol, right, and New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon pose for a photo during their summit held at the presidential office in Seoul on Wednesday. [JOINT PRESS CORPS]

The leaders of Korea and New Zealand agreed to speed up discussions on enhancing security cooperation during a summit held in Seoul on Wednesday.
The summit between President Yoon Suk Yeol and the visiting New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon covered ways to upgrade bilateral relations from the "partnership for the 21st century," established in 2006, to a "comprehensive strategic partnership." The countries plan to formalize a relevant framework by 2025, according to Korea's presidential office.
Recognizing over 60 years of diplomatic relations, the leaders decided to bolster cooperation and exchanges across four sectors: trade and economy; science, education and people-to-people; defense and security; and regional and international issues.
"In these serious times marked by challenges, such as the military cooperation between Russia and North Korea and the ongoing war in Ukraine, solidarity among like-minded nations, including Korea and New Zealand, is more important than ever," said Yoon. 
He emphasized New Zealand’s role as a key partner in promoting peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, with both nations supporting a rules-based international order that fosters open markets and inclusive prosperity. 
"I hope the two countries will expand the prospect of cooperation following today's summit," Yoon added. 
Luxon, who began his address in Korean with a warm "Annyeonghaseyo," praised Korea's economic scale and innovation. He also noted that New Zealand has become Korea's sixth-largest trading partner, with trade between the two countries doubling since the implementation of the free trade agreement (FTA) nine years ago.
Luxon also highlighted the strong cultural ties between the two nations, referencing the popularity of K-pop, Korean dramas and the success of Korean New Zealand golfer Lydia Ko. He also introduced Minister for Economic Development Melissa Lee, who is New Zealand's first Korean-born minister, as an example of the contributions Koreans have made in New Zealand.
Luxon concluded his remarks by offering his condolences regarding the recent deaths of South Korean skiers in a car accident in New Zealand.
The New Zealand prime minister expressed support for Seoul's "Audacious Initiative" denuclearization roadmap, as well as Yoon's recently announced "Aug. 15 Unification Doctrine," which aims for a free, peaceful and prosperous unified Korea. 
The leaders "condemned in the most serious of terms " North Korea's ongoing ballistic missile and nuclear development programs, calling for the "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the country." They also "condemned in the strongest possible terms" the growing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, particularly North Korea’s export of ballistic missiles to Russia in violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions. 
Both Yoon and Luxon reaffirmed their opposition to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and voiced serious concerns over the recent developments in the South China Sea.
Luxon's two-day official visit to Seoul marks the first since the New Zealand prime minister took office in November 2023 and the first bilateral summit between the two countries' leaders since 2015.

BY SEO JI-EUN [seo.jieun1@joongang.co.kr]
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