A.C.E set to release 'more mature' single 'Anymore'

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A.C.E set to release 'more mature' single 'Anymore'

Photos of boy band A.C.E for its upcoming special single ″Anymore″ [BEAT INTERACTIVE]

Photos of boy band A.C.E for its upcoming special single ″Anymore″ [BEAT INTERACTIVE]

Boy band A.C.E will release its single "Anymore" on Wednesday at 6 p.m., according to its agency, Beat Interactive. 
The "special" single comes four months after its previous single, “Supernatural,” was released in May.

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“Anymore” is expected to present a different vibe than “Supernatural,” showcasing a more mature side of the band, according to the agency.  
A.C.E — an acronym for Adventure Calling Emotions — debuted in 2017 with the single "Cactus." The band has five members: Park Jun-hee, Lee Dong-hun, Wow, Kim Byeong-kwan and Kang Yu-chan.  
The band released its sixth EP, "My Girl : 'My Choice,'" on Feb. 22 as a full unit following the return of all members from mandatory military service. 
To find out more about A.C.E, visit Celeb Confirmed!   

BY WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]
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