Seoul Global Center to host trade course for budding entrepreneurs

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Seoul Global Center to host trade course for budding entrepreneurs

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A poster for the Overall Assistance for Start-up Immigration System (Oasis)-4+ course [SEOUL GLOBAL CENTER]

A poster for the Overall Assistance for Start-up Immigration System (Oasis)-4+ course [SEOUL GLOBAL CENTER]

Seoul Global Center announced Tuesday it will open applications for the Overall Assistance for Start-up Immigration System (Oasis)-4+ course for prospective trade entrepreneurs.
Classes will take place between Oct. 16 and 18, for a total of 25 hours, at the Seoul Global Center in Jongno District, central Seoul.  
Any foreign national who wishes to establish their own trade business in Korea can apply. Applications will be accepted online between Sept. 19 and Oct. 6, with students selected based on the business plans they submit and their visa type. 
The Oasis-4+ course aims to help foreign nationals who want to establish their trade business in Korea. The course will teach students about the basics of trading, trade regulations, marketing and writing trade contracts.
Completing the course gives foreigners 10 points that are counted toward the 160-point-scale D-9-1 trade visa. Applicants are required to have at least 60 out of the 160 points to apply for the visa.

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