KAIST and NYU team up for joint AI graduate program

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KAIST and NYU team up for joint AI graduate program

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New York University President Linda G. Mills, left, and KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding to create a joint degree program for graduate students in AI on Monday. [KAIST]

New York University President Linda G. Mills, left, and KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding to create a joint degree program for graduate students in AI on Monday. [KAIST]

KAIST will create a joint graduate degree program in AI with New York University (NYU), with additional degree programs planned in partnership with the U.S. university.
The universities signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday, agreeing to develop a joint degree program for graduate students focusing on AI.
The specific details of when the joint degree program will be introduced are not finalized yet. However, the two universities will establish a committee this year to determine the program's curriculum, faculty, number of students and necessary budget. The committee will include faculty from both KAIST and New York University.
According to the universities, the joint degree program aims to address the global shortage of talent in AI.  
Enrolled students will have the opportunity to participate in various global research projects led by faculty from both universities. 
KAIST also announced plans to collaborate with New York University on additional dual degree programs for master's and Ph.D. students. The two universities already operate the KAIST NYU Joint Campus, which hosts various joint research projects.
"In the era of global technology competition, developing AI-related technologies is crucial for countries and companies to maintain their competitiveness," said KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung. "Through a long-term partnership with New York University, we aim to lead in fostering world-class talent capable of applying AI across various fields."

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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