Action, adventure and flamenco: 'Zorro: Actor-Musician' musical debuts at Jongno's Uniplex

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Action, adventure and flamenco: 'Zorro: Actor-Musician' musical debuts at Jongno's Uniplex

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A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Musician" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Musician" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

From fandango to clicking castanets, musical “Zorro: Actor-Musician” is bringing flamenco zest to Seoul’s cozy theater district Daehak-ro.  
Set to begin previews Wednesday evening, the musical follows Diego, a Hispanic aristocrat who becomes the masked vigilante Zorro to fight injustice and corruption in Spanish-ruled California in 1805. 

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The music, which features songs by the band Gipsy Kings, is performed live by an actor-musician ensemble that plays instruments on stage. It mirrors London’s Charing Cross Theatre production in 2022. The style is rarely seen in Korean theaters, though common in places like the UK.  
A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Muscian" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Muscian" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

“Having the actor musicians is important for the show because it gives the show a stronger link to the gypsy culture and their community,” director of the original London production Christian Durham said during the show’s press call at the Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday.  

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A couple of things are different from the London show though, according to the creators, who said they altered a bulk of the script so that it is culturally communicative to Korean audiences. Choreographer Heather Douglas said she made the dances more difficult for the Korean cast as well. 
“I felt that they could handle it,” she said, adding that she particularly focused on teaching the actors to move freely on stage. “I am really excited to see what people think of this passionate and freeing style of choreo.”  
A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Muscian" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Muscian" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

Durham and Douglas have been in Korea for the past seven weeks, working with the local cast. “I found that they were wonderful to work with and very disciplined,” said Douglas.  
The actors said they felt they needed to work extra hard to sufficiently perform the Hispanic music and dance genres, as many were unfamiliar with them. “It was practice after practice, night and day,” said Hong Yoon-hee who alternates the character Inez.  
Actors Choi Min-woo, boy band Astro member MJ and boy band DKZ member Mingyu alternate Zorro.  
“There is a significant difference between Diego and Zorro, so I focused on displaying that clearly to the audience,” said MJ.  
A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Muscian" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

A scene from musical "Zorro: Actor-Muscian" at Uniplex theater in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [MOMENT MAKER]

Choi said he focused on the emotions of his characters and the relationships he has with others. “In my performance as Zorro, I want the audience to feel everything, even things that may not be explained in the show.”  
Mingyu, as the youngest member of the cast, said that audiences can expect a little bit of “cuteness” in his portrayal of Diego and Zorro.  
“Zorro: Actor-Musician” runs through Nov. 17 at the Uniplex theater. 

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