Traditional elegance on display at the Korea-Japan Festival 2024 in Seoul

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Traditional elegance on display at the Korea-Japan Festival 2024 in Seoul

Volunteers at Korea-Japan Festival 2024 in Seoul wear hanbok, traditional Korean garments, and yukata, a light version of Japan's kimono, at Coex on Sunday. [YONHAP]

Volunteers at Korea-Japan Festival 2024 in Seoul wear hanbok, traditional Korean garments, and yukata, a light version of Japan's kimono, at Coex on Sunday. [YONHAP]

Volunteers at Korea-Japan Festival 2024 in Seoul wear hanbok, traditional Korean garments, and yukata, a light version of Japan's kimono, at Coex on Sunday.
The festival, first held in 2005 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of normalized relations between Korea and Japan, offers free experiences featuring aspects of the two countries' cultures and booths promoting tourism.
This year's event will include a range of performances, including a set by K-pop girl group ILLIT and J-pop boy band Ivvy along with traditional dancing and singing.
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